St. Paddy's Day!
I know, I haven't blogged since late February. It's been awhile but I do have an excuse. I had midterms and a Final!
I finally finished my PR class that met on Monday and Thursday nights. I did make a B in the course which is very exciting. Now I have time to do more things like my videos, streaming, maybe a podcast, and of course my wonderful blog! ha ha.
St. Patrick's Day is coming up and of course we all know what that means. Green Beer and the annual Jackson, MS St. Paddy's Day Parade. If you don't know much about this parade then I'll give you some info.
It's one of the more popular St. Paddy's Day Parades in the country. Not to mention the famous Sweet Potato Queens are the stars. Hundreds of these women show up every year decked out in their princess Sweet Potato Queen outfits and march the parade and usually steal the show.
The parade is like Jacksons own version of Mardi Gras. They throw beads from the floats and of course there is always a lot of drinking. Not to mention the huge after parties at all the bars around town.
Here is a list of events and time on Saturday:
St. Paddy's Day Parade Race: 6:30 AM
The Pet Parade at 10:00AM
The Children's Parade at 11:00 AM
Mal's St Paddy's Parade (main parade) Kicks off at Noon!!!
Next week is my Spring Break so I will be out of town in Destin FL. I'll try to update though with all the fun. Also look for video from the St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday. Hopefully I'll be at McGuire's on Monday with Mike enjoying some Irish fun in Destin. (Google it)