Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull comes to theaters tomorrow. In honor of this event (ugh), I figured I would post a video from Angry Video Game Nerd. I found the video on Mogki's tumblr which always has some great pictures, links, and video.
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By the way I like Indiana Jones I've just seen the first 3 so many times I'm Indie'd out. Plus, Shia LaBeouf could possibly ruin the movie. And if they make a spin off with just him (which is rumored) we should all find the scripts and destroy them.
Keep It Real
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By the way I like Indiana Jones I've just seen the first 3 so many times I'm Indie'd out. Plus, Shia LaBeouf could possibly ruin the movie. And if they make a spin off with just him (which is rumored) we should all find the scripts and destroy them.
Keep It Real