
No, it's not COVID-19. It's the dreaded FLU! Even with tons of hand-sanitizer, hand washing, and getting the flu shot, the flu has made a visit to our home.

Logan woke me up early Sunday morning complaining he was freezing cold. He seemed a little warm but no more than normal, so I thought. By 8 a.m. he was running a fever of 100.3. We spent the day in bed focused on getting as much rest as possible and taking some medicine. When Logan woke up this morning he had a fever of 102.7. The poor kid was really feeling bad. We got some medicine in him and went straight to the doctor. My heart sank when they told us it was the flu.

Logan and I have quarantined ourselves in the backroom at the house. I've watched Boss Baby, Paw Patrol Charged up and now I'm watching the most annoying nursery rhymes ever! As I'm typing this the guy on the TV is loudly singing "I see something PINK!" Okay, dude.

Having the flu on your birthday is no fun. We had some great festivities planned. I guess we will just have to wait. 
