Yesterday I went to PubcampMS at Mississippi Public Broadcasting and got to meet some awesome people I've been following for awhile. It was great to meet everyone! I thought PubcampMS was a huge success and I hope there will be more in the future. I've did record some video during the Social Media 101 intro and I hope to get it up soon.
The wedding is 4 months away. I still don't have a Photographer, a Florist, a Caterer. Apparently I'm pretty behind. If anyone has suggestions for people around the Jackson, MS area that would rock!
And if you don't get an invite it's not that we didn't want to invite you it's just we want to keep it small or as small as possible. I would love to stream the wedding but in the end it just depends on if the church will allow it. I'm not sure if it will be possible :(