So I haven't posted in like forever! Or at least it seems that way ha ha.
The next month is going to be insane! November usually is.
November is a month Filled with birthdays including mine. Mikes is also this month on the 29th which is the same day as mine (yes we have the same birthday). Not to mention a lot of my other friends.
There are a few concerts this month as well. My friend JD's band has a concert this weekend. Thieves and Villains finally made it down here and will be playing next weekend. Thieves and Villains is a band from New York check em out on Myspace.
Not to mention all the papers and tests and projects I have to work on.
But all will be well at the end of the semester. In December I plan on making a trip to visit Mike in FL. Then Also hopefully I will get to see my old buddy John or Bly man down in the Burg. He is coming back from Iraq which makes me happy.
If Montana Came down (which probably will never happen) we could almost have the entire band of Farr Off back together. But that probably will never ever happen.
Anyway thats about it.... OH YEAH GOT MY BLUE BELT WOOT!
The next month is going to be insane! November usually is.
November is a month Filled with birthdays including mine. Mikes is also this month on the 29th which is the same day as mine (yes we have the same birthday). Not to mention a lot of my other friends.
There are a few concerts this month as well. My friend JD's band has a concert this weekend. Thieves and Villains finally made it down here and will be playing next weekend. Thieves and Villains is a band from New York check em out on Myspace.
Not to mention all the papers and tests and projects I have to work on.
But all will be well at the end of the semester. In December I plan on making a trip to visit Mike in FL. Then Also hopefully I will get to see my old buddy John or Bly man down in the Burg. He is coming back from Iraq which makes me happy.
If Montana Came down (which probably will never happen) we could almost have the entire band of Farr Off back together. But that probably will never ever happen.
Anyway thats about it.... OH YEAH GOT MY BLUE BELT WOOT!